About & Contact
u/pmtabs2 [note that my original account u/pmtabs is no longer in use]
Contact Form
Please note that although the Guitar Pro tabs on this site can be opened in other applications, such as TuxGuitar, many crucial aspects of the tabs will look and sound incorrect/glitchy in those program. The same is also true if you open a Guitar Pro 5 tab in Guitar Pro 6, 7 or 8. It is highly recommended that you use the most recent version of Guitar Pro 5 to open those older Guitar Pro 5 tabs, and to use Guitar Pro 8 for tabs created in later versions of the program.
If you need anything exported from Guitar Pro (such as images, XML, and so on), feel free to email me. I’m also open to requests to “clean up” Guitar Pro tabs within the TuxGuitar editor so they’re actually usable. Just let me know what you need!
If you need something tabbed from scratch, there’s a higher chance of me accepting requests if they’re for bands/genres which are already represented on my site, but it doesn’t hurt to ask anyway.
Note that these tabs span ~20 years (as of 2024), and my earlier tabs – basically anything pre-2021 – are something of an embarrassment. If you find any particularly awful tabs and you need an updated version, or if the tab in question is simply a couple of years old, fire me an email (or contact me via one of the means listed above). In the meantime, I’m very slowly working my way through my collection and making things more presentable, and in most cases I’m just retabbing the songs entirely.
Also worth noting is that this site is the only place where my tabs are maintained; if you find them elsewhere, chances are they’re severely out of date, and in most cases were published without any input from me.
I’d appreciate it if my tabs aren’t re-uploaded to places like Ultimate Guitar. I used to be active on sites like that, but chose to leave when the owners made some questionable ethical moves. I never charge for tab requests, but leaving my tabs in my control is a great way to repay me!
Software I Use/Recommend
Free & Open Source
- MuseScore | Score/tablature writer with high-quality instrument audio (via MuseHub) and with support for Guitar Pro files
- TuxGuitar | Tablature editor and player, supports Guitar Pro files
- Sonic Visualiser | Visualise and manipulate audio in real-time
- Notepad++ | Advanced text editor for ASCII transcriptions
- Audacity | Audio editor and recorder
- Free Audio Converter (fre:ac) | Quickly convert audio to/from any other format
- WinSCP | FTP client
- CutePDF Writer | Produces high-quality PDF files by acting as a physical printer
- Guitar Pro 5.2 | Tablature editor/player (Discontinued, although hard copies may still be available in some places)
- Guitar Pro 8 | Tablature editor/player
- Amazing Slow Downer | Manipulates audio in real-time
- Transcribe! | Manipulates audio in real-time